Vision and Values
Our Vision
We dream of a church…
… where we make lasting bonds with our brothers and sisters in Christ and everyone finds encouragement to invest their lives in building God’s kingdom.
… where worship is joyful, moving, reverent, and leads people to a deeper experience of God.
… where there is a constant hunger for a deeper understanding of God’s word.
… where praying, giving, and going are all regular activities.
… where believers give freely and joyfully of their time, money, and talents to the Lord.
… where we seek the face of the Lord, His direction, and His blessing in all we do as the body of Christ.
… where the Good News is proclaimed creatively and effectively both inside and outside the walls of the church.
Our Values
At CHBC we value strengthening the spiritual lives of families seeking to connect with the Body of Christ.
At CHBC we value authentic and celebrative worship exalting the living God as the center of our lives.
Bible Knowledge
At CHBC we value teaching the absolute truth of the Bible as its power reveals to us God’s intended direction of our lives.
Missions and Evangelism
At CHBC we value urgently reaching out with the hope of Jesus to our neighbors, community and all peoples of all nations.
At CHBC we value serving God with our time, talents, and resources to bring others the knowledge of Christ.
At CHBC we value the power of prayer as our key to a personal relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ.
At CHBC we value proclaiming the hope of Jesus for all people, telling others about Christ and reflecting His truth in our everyday lives.